Specialist commentator comments

Comments on this technology were invited from clinical specialists working in the field and relevant patient organisations. The comments received are individual opinions and do not represent NICE's view.

Three of the 4 specialists were familiar with or had used this technology before. All specialists noted that Galaxy UNYCO was not currently widely used in the NHS.

Level of innovation

The 4 specialists thought that the Galaxy UNYCO was a minor variation of currently available devices (standard care fixation with plates and screws).

Potential patient impact

One specialist felt that it was unlikely that Galaxy UNYCO would be less invasive and less likely to lead to infection than standard care. One specialist stated that the use of Galaxy UNYCO could potentially reduce deep infections. One specialist noted that use of Galaxy UNYCO in people with substantial soft tissue damage may lead to better outcomes compared with standard care. Two specialists stated that there was no evidence to support any potential benefits to patients when using Galaxy UNYCO compared with standard care.

Potential system impact

Two specialists noted that it was likely to be faster to stabilise a fracture with Galaxy UNYCO compared with standard care. One specialist noted that using Galaxy UNYCO could lead to a reduction in the number of X‑rays needed. One specialist stated that Galaxy UNYCO is left in place during the procedure to convert to definitive fixation and noted that this can reduce procedure time. All specialists noted that Galaxy UNYCO was more expensive than standard care and that Galaxy UNYCO is a single-use device but the standard care device can be reused. Two specialists noted the potential for cost savings because of decreased morbidity and secondary procedures.

General comments

All specialists noted that the number of people needing temporary external fixation is very small even in a major trauma centre. All 4 specialists noted the need for further evidence. One specialist noted that stabilisation with Galaxy UNYCO is unlikely to be as secure as it would be with standard of care.