Specialist commentators

Specialist commentators

The following clinicians contributed to this briefing:

  • Thomas Wagner, consultant in nuclear medicine, Royal Free London NHS Trust, did not declare any interests.

  • Gary Cook, honorary consultant in nuclear medicine / professor of PET imaging, King's College London / Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Trust, was paid to provide a clinical assessment of 11C‑choline scans for a study sponsored by Blue Earth Diagnostics, provided consultancy services for NanoMab Technology Ltd, was an invited member of Prostate Cancer UK (PCUK) / NHS England Cancer Diagnostics Clinical Reference Group Joint meeting on new imaging methods for detecting disseminated disease (2018), contributed to Royal College of Radiologists / Royal College of Physicians guidelines on the clinical use of PET (2013 and 2016), his department was provided with a part-salary for a clinical research fellow by Thermognostics Ltd.

  • Anwar R Padhani, professor of cancer imaging; consultant radiologist, lectured on Siemens Healthineers courses on the use of next generation imaging technologies for the assessment of advanced prostate cancer.

  • Nagabhushan Seshadri, consultant in nuclear medicine, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, did not declare any interests.

  • Roberto Alonzi, consultant in clinical oncology, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, has taken part in the FALCON study evaluating the technology.

  • Dr Radhakrishnan Jayan, consultant in radiology and nuclear medicine, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, did not declare any interests.

Representatives from the following patient organisations contributed to this briefing:

  • Tackle Prostate Cancer