Expert commentators

Expert commentators

The following clinicians contributed to this briefing:

  • Gordon Carlson CBE, consultant surgeon and honorary professor of surgery, National Reference Centre, Salford Care Organisation, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust. The technology has been provided free of charge to the specialised centre where Professor Carlson has worked in the last 12 months.

  • Kirstine Farrer, consultant dietitian intestinal failure, Salford Care Organisation, part of Northern Care Alliance. The technology has been provided free of charge to the specialised centre where Kirstine Farrer has worked in the last 12 months.

  • Simon Lal, professor of gastroenterology, Northern Care Alliance, Salford Royal Hospital. Professor Lal's department is receiving research funding from Baxter and Takeda, which may be considered as competitor technologies. Professor Lal has received honoraria for lectures, advisory boards from pharmaceutical companies, including companies manufacturing parenteral nutrition and GLP‑2 analogues. These may be considered as competitor technologies. The technology has been provided free of charge to the specialised centre where Professor Lal has worked in the last 12 months.

  • Antje Teubner, associate specialist intestinal failure, Northern care Alliance, Salford Royal Hospital. Did not declare any interests.

  • Andrew Williams, consultant colorectal surgeon, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital. Did not declare any interests.