Equality considerations

Equality considerations

NICE is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, eliminating unlawful discrimination and fostering good relations between people with particular protected characteristics and others.

Most people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are over the age of 40, with chances of developing the disease increasing with age. There are about 10% more men with COPD than women. COPD may be associated with comorbidities, including cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, osteoporosis, depression and anxiety. Using Lenus COPD Support Service may positively affect some people in these groups.

COPD is also associated with socioeconomic status, with higher rates of COPD in communities with lower socioeconomic status. The evidence on Lenus COPD Support Service reported that 68% to 73% of people who took part in the studies lived in areas ranked in the lowest 2 quintiles on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. People need daily access to a smartphone, tablet, or computer with internet access to use the technology. Accessing these technologies may be more difficult for some people in communities with lower socioeconomic status.

The evidence on Lenus COPD Support Service showed that some people were unable to take part in studies using the device because they did not have access to these technologies. Additional support and resources may therefore be needed for people who are unfamiliar with digital technologies or do not have access to smart devices. People with a visual or cognitive impairment, problems with manual dexterity, a learning disability, or who are unable to read or understand health-related information (including people who cannot read English) may need additional support to use the technology. The company said Lenus COPD Support Service was audited under the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) and received an AA assessment for accessibility for people with low digital literacy and disabilities. Age, sex, and disability are protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.