Patient organisation comments

Patient organisation comments

A representative from 1 patient organisation, Prostate Cancer UK, gave the following comments on Stockholm3.

The benefits of Stockholm3 are that it is convenient and results in quick or accurate care provision. Stockholm3 prevents harm from unnecessary biopsies. For people who are concerned about their prostate cancer risk, this technology could rule out any unnecessary worry of being referred into secondary care for an exploratory MRI scan or biopsy. Stockholm3 test should be used in monitoring for those people who have a raised prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level but have had a negative biopsy.

Three subgroups who would benefit from the technology included people at higher risk but who have a lower PSA level than is currently needed for secondary care referral, those currently on active surveillance or those who have had a negative MRI or biopsy and who are referred back to primary care, and those referred for a biopsy with low risk and low-grade cancer.

The potential disadvantages of the technology might include possible side effects and practical difficulties, for users or carers. Patients getting a high-risk percentage score might experience a degree of stress with this outcome before moving into secondary care for an MRI. We would favour a strong education and support system being in place alongside Stockholm3 testing for those people who end up with a higher score and therefore are referred to secondary care. People with communication difficulties, learning difficulties and mental health problems using Stockholm3 need special consideration compared with the general patient population.

Regular use of this technology within the NHS could create delays within pathology which could delay a person's diagnosis.

NICE guidance on Stockholm3 would improve equal access to the technology for all people who might benefit from its use, throughout England.

At £350 per test cost price the health economics surrounding the test would not hold up for mass use within the NHS. The concerns with adopting the device are that there is no defined place in the pathway for this diagnostic to be rolled out and whether there is the infrastructure and workforce in place within pathology for a new test to be rolled out nationwide.