Search strategy and evidence selection

Search strategy and evidence selection

Search strategy

The electronic databases OVID Medline, EMBASE, Scopus and CENTRAL were searched using the search term "BD MAX", which was found to be most sensitive in pilot searches. The manufacturer was contacted and invited to highlight relevant studies.

Evidence selection

Studies were included if they specifically evaluated the BD MAX System Enteric Bacterial Panel. Studies evaluating other assays for the BD MAX System were excluded. The reference lists of included papers were hand searched for possible studies. Studies published as full papers in peer‑reviewed journals and relevant abstracts were included in the full briefing. The following criteria were used for study selection.


Patients with gastroenteritis where identification of a pathogen from a stool sample is required.


In vitro diagnostic test to identify commonly encountered enteric bacterial pathogens: BD Max System Enteric Bacterial Panel.


Standard methods to identify commonly encountered enteric bacterial pathogens: culture methods (agar plate and enhanced).

Other quantitative platforms and assays to identify commonly encountered enteric bacterial pathogens.


  • Test characteristics.

  • Frequency of identification of a bacterial pathogen.

  • Time to gain a test result.

  • Resource required to gain a test result.

  • Impact on the patient pathway, including isolation unit/barrier nursing days.

Initial search screening identified 12 publications.