Search strategy and evidence selection

Search strategy and evidence selection

Search strategy

Medline (including In Process) search

1. latitude.ti,ab.
2. boston scien*.ti,ab.
3. patient management system$.ti,ab.
4. follow-up monitoring.ti,ab.
5. telemedicine/
6. remote monitoring system$.ti,ab.
7. 3 or 4 or 5 or 6
8. 1 and 7
9. 1 and 2
10. 1 and 3
11. ambulatory monitoring/
12. 1 and 11
13. 8 or 9 or 10 or 12.

Embase search

1. latitude.ti,ab.
2. boston scien*.ti,ab.
3. patient management system$.ti,ab.
4. follow-up monitoring.ti,ab.
5. telemedicine/
6. remote monitoring system$.ti,ab.
7. 3 or 4 or 5 or 6
8. 1 and 7
9. 1 and 2
10. 1 and 3
11. ambulatory monitoring/
12. 1 and 11
13. 8 or 9 or 10 or 12.

Medline and Embase: in total 83 citations. After removal of duplicates: 80 citations.

Cochrane Library search: as above. Five reviews were found but none included because they did not concern the LATITUDE device. Three citations were identified; all were duplicates of citations in other searches.

Given that the original search limited to LATITUDE and Boston Scientific did not yield useful citations, the search was repeated without these terms in PubMed which also allowed access to the most recently added citations in progress.

Evidence selection

Citations which used the LATITUDE remote monitoring system were considered for inclusion. Only papers in the English language concerning humans were considered.

Original search specifying LATITUDE: 57 studies were considered, but did not provide useful information on relevant patient outcomes. Studies generally reported prospectively collected but retrospectively analysed data in the ALTITUDE register retrieved via the LATITUDE remote monitoring system. No studies were included.

38 references were further reviewed, retrieving full texts to see whether they met the inclusion criteria. The more general revised search considered 38 studies of which 2 included some patients having LATITUDE (de Ruvo et al. (2016) and Lorenzoni et al. (2014).