Interventional procedures advisory committee members

Find out more about the interventional procedures advisory committee members by reading their biographies.

Professor Tom Clutton-Brock MBE FRCP FRCA FFICM


Tom is a professor and honorary consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine in Birmingham. He has a career-long interest in medical technology and patient safety.

He is director at the medical devices testing and evaluation centre, clinical director at the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) trauma management MedTech cooperative, chair of NICE interventional procedures advisory committee, chair of the interim devices working group at the MHRA, associate medical director at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and professor of anaesthesia and intensive care medicine at University of Birmingham.

He has been a senior medical officer at the MHRA, a long standing member of NICE IPAC, clinical director of the NIHR Trauma Management Health Technology Cooperative, interim director of the Institute of Translational Medicine in Birmingham and an elected consultant member of Council at the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

Mr Christopher Adams MB ChB FRCS (Tr and Orth)


Chris is a consultant orthopaedic spine surgeon in Edinburgh. He started as a consultant in Nottingham in 2004, moving in 2007. His interests are prioritising communication direct with patients that includes guidelines and reducing patient complications during and after (spine) surgery.

He is based at the Scottish National Spine Service which mainly deals with spine deformity conditions. This includes clinics in both Edinburgh and Glasgow helping understanding beyond the city or regional level of care. To help communication with spine colleagues, he runs the web site and is a coorganiser of the Scottish Spine Surgeons group that meets annually in November as a forum for sharing best practice for people.

He is due to complete a Masters of Science degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science in London by summer 2023. This is the first run by LSE in collaboration with NICE with them providing a quarter of the teaching. The degree is titled “Evaluation of Health Care Interventions and Outcomes” with the aim of “developing critical skills” in health technology assessment.

Professor Augusto Azuara-Blanco


Augusto is a clinical professor of Ophthalmology at the Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast, and Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. His clinical and surgical activity is mainly dedicated to people with glaucoma.

With his academic career Augusto is trying to improve eye health by investigating the effectiveness, safety and efficiency of new technologies for eye diseases (e.g., treatments, diagnostic tests, models of eye care). He has expertise in primary and secondary research methodology.

Professor Simon Bach


Simon is Professor of Colorectal Surgery at University of Birmingham.

Dr Jon Bell


Jon trained in surgery and clinical radiology in Manchester before completing higher sub-specialty training in interventional radiology. He was appointed as a consultant interventional radiologist at The Christie in 2013 and is clinical director of radiology. He is an internationally recognised expert in interventional oncology with a primary interest in minimally invasive liver directed therapies.

Mr Mahmoud Elfar


Biography coming soon.

Patrick Farrell


Patrick is an improvement manager with the elective and emergency care improvement support team and portfolio lead for a national program focusing on better health outcomes in urgent and emergency care with NHS England. He has a long clinical career and background in the prehospital arena. A previous HEMS trained and consultant paramedic with a master’s in advanced clinical practice. Patrick’s advanced practice experience comes from Emergency departments in both the UK and internationally where he learned the value and practicality of evidence driven interventions.

Patrick is a previous Darzi fellow in clinical leadership with a keen interest in clinical improvements driven by evidence, which enable clinicians to enhance safe patient care.

Mr Marwan Habiba MSc PhD PhD FRCOG


Marwan is a consultant gynaecologist based at the University Hospitals of Leicester. He obtained a Master’s degree in a study of postcoital contraception, a PhD in studies of the effects of HRT on the endometrium (lining of the uterus) and a PhD in the ethics of screening in health care. He has special interest in health care delivery and aspects of uterine bleeding and adenomyosis.

He is associate medical director, NHSE Midlands Region and the Head of Gynaecology Services at the University Hospitals of Leicester.

Conrad Harrison


Conrad Harrison is an NHS plastic surgery registrar, a postdoctoral researcher at the Surgical Intervention Trials Unit at the University of Oxford, and an alumnus of the NICE Scholar Programme.

His research focuses on techniques for measuring surgical outcomes, including the validation, implementation, and interpretation of both novel and legacy outcome measures. In 2022, he was awarded a Hunterian Professorship from the Royal College of Surgeons of England for this work. Besides his medical and surgical qualifications, Conrad holds a DPhil in psychometrics and an MBA

Dr Jurjees Hasan


Jurjees is the lead medical oncologist for gynaecological cancers for Greater Manchester Cancer Network's southern district and colorectal cancer for Stockport. He has a special interest and expertise in the management of malignant bowel obstruction with pelvic malignancies and novel liver-directed therapies for colorectal cancers.

Dr Tim Kinnaird


Tim is a consultant interventional cardiologist at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. He trained in London, Vancouver, and Washington, D.C. before settling in South Wales. His clinical interests include interventional pharmacology, complex percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and radial access. His research interests include complications of PCI, antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy, access site and outcomes, and mega-database analysis. He is an honorary professor at Keele University and previously had a Welsh Government Research Time Award. He is a member of the BCIS R&D Group, the NICOR Research Approval Group, and the National Cardiovascular Research Network for Wales, and a previous member of NICE's technology appraisal committee D.

Dawn Lee


Dawn is the associate professor of health economics and health policy, working with the Peninsula Technology Assessment Group (PenTAG), one of 11 research units in the UK providing expert advice on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of new drugs to NICE.

Dawn joined PenTAG/Exeter University in September 2022 following over 15 years in economic consultancy where she worked most recently as the Chief Scientific Officer for a medium sized health economics consultancy (Lumanity; formerly BresMed).

She is a health economic modeler who has conducted over 50 UK health technology assessment submissions and worked in over 30 countries globally as a member of the R for HTA group. Dawn’s key project achievements include representing manufacturers at around 30 HTA Committee meetings, working on the first ever immune-oncology submission to NICE (TA268), first ever PD-1 submission to NICE (TA384) and a considerable number following this and the first ITC accepted by G-BA.

Dawn’s main research interests are oncology modelling, particularly immune-oncology and therefore flexible survival modelling and the incorporation of external data within extrapolations, structured expert elicitation and improving diagnostic pathways.

Dr Angus McNair


Angus is a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at North Bristol NHS Trust. He is also an Associate Professor in Colorectal Surgery at Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol.

Matt Metcalf


Matt Metcalfe is the chief medical officer for Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board; he is also the Chief Medical Advisor for University Hospitals Northamptonshire.

He is a general surgeon by background and was previously the Medical Director of Northampton General Hospital.

Matt is passionate about improving clinical excellence through research and education.

Noemi Muszbek


Noemi is partner and director of health Eeonomics at Visible Analytics. She has worked in consultancy, the pharmaceutical and the payer sectors in health economics and health technology assessment.

She leads and works on preparing programs of work for evidence generation, that includes the development of economic models, literature reviews, indirect comparisons, post-hoc trial analyses, utility studies, retrospective database analyses and physician surveys. She develops submissions to technology assessment agencies across the world. She has written multiple articles and white papers in modelling, analytics and different policy issues regarding reimbursement and health technology assessment and has taken part in guideline development for economic evaluation and for reimbursement process.

She holds a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Health Economics from the University of York and an MSc in Public Economics the Corvinus University of Budapest.

Dr Sandeep Singh Randhawa


Sandeep Singh Randhawa is a GP with Modality Partnership based in the Sandwell and Birmingham area with a specialist interest in urology.

He also works at the University of Birmingham as a senior clinical tutor and is the course lead for PGCert in Healthcare Simulation.

Dr Stuart Smith


Stuart is a clinical associate professor in neurosurgery and consultant neurosurgeon at Nottingham University Hospitals and the Children’s Brain tumour Research Centre at the University of Nottingham. He undertook Neurosurgical training in Bristol and Nottingham, as well a PhD in angiogenesis in paediatric malignant brain tumours. His clinical interests include advanced surgical techniques for brain tumour surgery and he is chair of the East Midlands brain tumour MDT and ECAG. The research group he leads studies brain tumour heterogeneity, drug delivery to brain tumours and bioelectric therapies. Stuart has worked with NICE on the most recent brain tumour clinical guidelines.

Veena Soni


Lay member.

Veena worked as a teacher, head of service in local government and as a senior advisor within the home office before moving on to set up her own consultancy firm. The consultancy helped advise the private and public sector on equality law and standards, diverse cultures and working to meet the needs of local communities.

In retirement Veena has taken a great interest in the health service and the healthcare of local communities. She is currently a patient representative on the Health Education England Patient Advisory Forum and sits on a number of committees, as well as contributing to the NHS Leadership Academy.

Veena works extensively within the community and has acted as an advocate for many community agendas.

She also does extensive voluntary work and chairs a number of trusts and charities.

Paddy Storrie


Lay member.

Paddy Storrie is a deputy headmaster at St George’s School, Harpenden, England – the UK’s highest achieving genuinely all-ability co-educational state school.

He has been involved as a lay member with NICE since 2004, initially for four years as a member of the Citizens’ Council, and then as a lay member on Appraisals Committee D. He sat in 2010-11 on the Academy of Medical Science Working Group on the Regulation and Governance of Medical Research, as well as serving as a member of the MHRA Patient and Public Engagement Expert Advisory Group.

He contributed to the Steering Committee of the High Intensity Specialist Led Acute Care research project, and acted for 9 years as chair of the NICE Appeals Committee stepping down from that post in 2022.

Professor Dhiraj Tripathi


Dhiraj is a consultant hepatologist/liver transplant physician at University Hospitals Birmingham. He is also clinical director of research. He has a particular interest in clinical aspects of portal hypertension, including endoscopic and radiological interventions, and was awarded a doctorate based on his clinical research in Edinburgh. He leads specialist services for patients with complications of portal hypertension and vascular liver disorders such as Budd Chiari Syndrome.

He is involved in clinical trials at chief and principal investigator levels. He has active national and international collaborations, resulting in high impact publications and successful grant applications. He has led on national guidance of interventions in hepatology. His other committee work includes membership of the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) Council and Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians of Glasgow (RCPSG) Council.

James Tysome PhD, FRCS (ORL-HNS)


James is a consultant ENT surgeon at Cambridge University Hospitals, where he specialises in otology, hearing implants, and skull base surgery. He is National Clinical Lead for Specialised Ear Surgery, Editor in Chief of Clinical Otolaryngology, Director of e-learning for ENT UK and Honorary Secretary of the Royal Society of Medicine Section of Otology. He has an interest in medial innovation and his research programme includes Eustachian tube dysfunction, improving outcomes after hearing implants and novel treatments for vestibular schwannomas.

Paula Whittaker


Paula is a senior clinical lecturer and honorary consultant in public health medicine at The University of Manchester, and a clinical advisor for the individual funding request team at NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit. Paula worked as a general practitioner with special interest in sexual health before completing public health specialist training. She teaches literature searching and critical appraisal skills to clinical and public health students and professionals and conducts systematic reviews on a wide range of clinical topics.

Mustafa Zakkar


Mustafa is an associate professor and honorary consultant cardiac surgeon at the department of cardiovascular sciences in the University of Leicester and University of Leicester NHS Trust.

Mustafa received his PhD from the university of London which focused on investigating the role of haemodynamic changes on the development of atherosclerosis and vein graft disease. His research was published in Circulation, circulation and ATVB. Following this, He was appointed as a NIHR academic clinical lecturer at the University of Bristol and Bristol Heart Institute where he continued to work on understanding the interaction between changes in haemodynamics and vein graft disease.

He was awarded the Royal college of surgeons of England Hunterian lecturer in 2018 in recognition of his work on vein grafts disease.

His current research focuses on using novel techniques such as Spatial cell sequencing to study acute changes in vein grafts after being implanted into arterial circulation, thus identifying the exact pathways involved in vascular dysfunction and inflammation.

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