Update information

Update information

April 2017: We updated the recommendation on corticosteroid treatment for alcohol-related hepatitis. This recommendation is marked as [2017].

Some changes were made to recommendation wording without an evidence review. These recommendations are marked as [2010, amended 2017]. The changes are:

  • We removed olanzapine from recommendation because the formulation is no longer available.

  • We removed a note from recommendation because the nationally agreed guidelines for liver transplant assessment in the context of alcohol-related liver disease are no longer available online.

Recommendations are marked as [2010] when the evidence was last reviewed in 2010.

Minor changes since publication

October 2022: We replaced recommendations on surgery for people with pain from large-duct (obstructive) chronic alcohol-related pancreatitis, prophylactic antibiotics for acute alcohol-related pancreatitis, and nutritional support for acute alcohol-related pancreatitis with recommendations from NICE's guideline on pancreatitis. These recommendations are marked as [2018]. We also added a cross reference in the section on alcohol related liver disease to NICE's guideline on cirrhosis in over 16s.

May 2021: We linked to the updated MHRA safety advice on antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy in recommendation

August 2019: We updated the glossary definitions and terminology for harmful drinking and hazardous drinking in line with the UK chief medical officers' low risk drinking guidelines.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-2477-6