Surveillance decision

Surveillance decision

We will not update the guideline on transient loss of consciousness (TLoC).

During surveillance, editorial or factual corrections were identified. Details are included in the editorial amendments section.

Reasons for the decision

No new evidence was identified that suggested that the NICE guideline should be updated.

Feedback provided from topic experts suggested some areas that need to be reviewed. These areas are:

  • Treatment of the causes of TLoC, primarily syncope and epilepsy. This was considered by some experts to be a gap in the guideline recommendations. However, the scope of the guideline states that it does not cover the treatment of syncope or epilepsy following diagnosis, but will signpost existing NICE guidance where this is available.

  • Technological advances in implantable event recorders, which are not yet reflected in the guideline, and the need to update recommendations in this area. However, no evidence was cited and experts were not aware of any major, relevant new evidence.

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