Information for the public

Different types of sedation

Different types of sedation

If you think that your care does not match what is described in this information, please talk to a member of your healthcare team in the first instance.

Your healthcare professional should discuss the choice of sedation technique based on:

  • what the procedure involves, for example if it is painful or painless

  • how sleepy and calm your child needs to be

  • if the technique is suitable for your child

  • what you or your child prefer.

You should be told about, and given written information on, the proposed sedation technique, any alternatives, and the benefits and side effects associated with each option.

Sedation will go ahead only if you, or your child if they are old enough, consent to it.

The table below shows what usually happens to your child with different levels of sedation.

Level of sedation

What type of procedure might this typically be used for?

How will this affect my child?

Minimal to moderate

Dental work

They will be relaxed and a little sleepy



They will be very sleepy but easily awakened


MRI scans or setting a broken bone

They will be in a deep sleep

  • Information Standard