Information for the public

What to expect when you see a gynaecologist

What to expect when you see a gynaecologist

At your hospital appointment, you should see a gynaecologist who specialises in cancer. Your blood CA125 levels should be measured and an ultrasound of your abdomen and pelvis carried out if you have not already had these tests. If you are underĀ 40, you should also have blood tests that can give more information about the type of ovarian cancer you might have.

If your gynaecologist thinks that the results of your CA125 test and ultrasound indicate that you may have ovarian cancer, they should refer you to a specialist care team of healthcare professionals who are experienced in treating women with ovarian cancer. This is sometimes called a specialist multidisciplinary team, or MDT for short.You should be offered a type of scan called a CT scan. This shows a clearer picture of your ovaries than an ultrasound does, and will help to confirm whether you have ovarian cancer. You should not usually be offered a scan called an MRI scanfor assessing possible ovarian cancer.

Questions you might like to ask about tests

  • What tests do you recommend for me?

  • What are the possible risks of having these tests?

  • What are you looking for?

  • Please explain what a CT scan involves.

  • When will I get the test results?

  • Will the tests show whether I have ovarian cancer?