Information for the public

What 'rehabilitation' means

What 'rehabilitation' means

After a critical illness, many patients can experience other problems, such as weakness, loss of energy, physical difficulties, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and, for some, problems with thinking, remembering and planning (known as cognitive function). The patient's critical illness can also affect their family members, with many families experiencing financial, health and emotional worries, and psychological difficulties.

'Rehabilitation' is designed to help the process of physical and psychological recovery and help people cope with the physical, psychological and emotional effects associated with critical illness and with being a patient in critical care. Rehabilitation can help you get physically and psychologically stronger after your experience through the use of gentle exercise programmes, advice and support.

Your 'rehabilitation goals' are what you and your healthcare team agree will help you recover your ability to take part in your usual daily activities as much and as rapidly as possible.

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