Caesarean birth (NG192)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:NICE guidelineLast updated: 30 January 2024Published: 31 March 2021
Jaundice in newborn babies under 28 days (CG98)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:Clinical guidelineLast updated: 31 October 2023Published: 19 May 2010
Fetal monitoring in labour (NG229)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:NICE guidelinePublished: 14 December 2022
PLGF-based testing to help diagnose suspected preterm pre-eclampsia (DG49)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:Diagnostics guidancePublished: 27 July 2022
Preterm labour and birth (NG25)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:NICE guidelineLast updated: 10 June 2022Published: 20 November 2015
Episcissors-60 for mediolateral episiotomy (MTG47)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:Medical technologies guidancePublished: 11 February 2020
Intrapartum care for women with existing medical conditions or obstetric complications and their babies (NG121)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:NICE guidelineLast updated: 25 April 2019Published: 6 March 2019
Biomarker tests to help diagnose preterm labour in women with intact membranes (DG33)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:Diagnostics guidancePublished: 4 July 2018
Insertion of a double balloon catheter for induction of labour in pregnant women without previous caesarean section (IPG528)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:Interventional procedures guidancePublished: 23 July 2015
Safe midwifery staffing for maternity settings (NG4)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:NICE guidelinePublished: 27 February 2015
Therapeutic hypothermia with intracorporeal temperature monitoring for hypoxic perinatal brain injury (IPG347)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:Interventional procedures guidancePublished: 26 May 2010
Ultrasound-guided catheterisation of the epidural space (IPG249)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:Interventional procedures guidancePublished: 23 January 2008
Intraoperative blood cell salvage in obstetrics (IPG144)Product type:GuidanceProgramme:Interventional procedures guidancePublished: 23 November 2005
Intrapartum care - uterotonics for postpartum haemorrhageStatus:In development | In consultationProgramme:NICE guidelineConsultation end date: 21 October 2024Expected publication date: 3 December 2024
Balloon disimpaction of the baby’s head at emergency caesarean during the second stage of labourStatus:In developmentProgramme:Interventional procedures guidanceExpected publication date: 16 April 2025
Lumella Pre-Eclampsia Test (MT687)Status:Topic selectionProgramme:Diagnostics guidanceExpected publication date: TBC
Women’s and reproductive health guidelinesStatus:In developmentProgramme:NICE HubExpected publication date: TBC
Microbiota transplantation (vaginal seeding)Status:Topic selectionProgramme:Interventional procedures guidanceExpected publication date: TBC
Lumella Pre-Eclampsia point-of-care test for assessing pre-eclampsia risk (MT687)Status:Topic selectionProgramme:Diagnostics guidanceExpected publication date: TBC
Intrapartum Care - maternal hyponatremiaStatus:In developmentProgramme:NICE guidelineExpected publication date: TBC