
A list of downloadable documents created during development.

Fluorouracil plasma monitoring: the My5-FU assay for guiding dose adjustment in patients receiving fluorouracil chemotherapy by continuous infusion: equality impact assessment - guidance development

Fluorouracil plasma monitoring: the My5-FU assay for guiding dose adjustment in patients receiving fluorouracil chemotherapy by continuous infusion: DAR addendum

Fluorouracil plasma monitoring: the My5-FU assay for guiding dose adjustment in patients receiving fluorouracil chemotherapy by continuous infusion: DAR errata

Fluorouracil plasma monitoring: the My5-FU assay for guiding dose adjustment in patients receiving fluorouracil chemotherapy by continuous infusion: NICE response to consultation comments


DAR Consultation Comments


Diagnostics consultation

Fluorouracil plasma monitoring: the My5-FU assay - specialist committee members

Fluorouracil plasma monitoring: the My5-FU assay - equality impact assessment (scoping)

Fluorouracil plasma monitoring: the My5-FU assay - final protocol

Fluorouracil plasma monitoring: the My5-FU assay - final scope

The My5-FU assay (and other alternative technologies identified during scoping) for monitoring plasma levels of 5-FU to guide dose adjustment in patients receiving 5-FU chemotherapy by continuous infusion (provisional title): topic description