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2 Evidence gaps

This section describes the evidence gaps, why they need to be addressed and their importance for future committee decision making. The committee will not be able to make a positive recommendation without the essential evidence gaps (see section 2.1) being addressed.

2.1 Essential evidence for future committee decision making

Further evidence is needed to allow the committee to fully evaluate clinical and cost effectiveness, and the impact of using the technologies on carers.

Resource use

More information is needed on how using the technologies would affect resource use in the NHS and personal social services. Resource estimates should include training costs and the broader impact of the technologies on services provided by Parkinson's specialist teams and carers.

Impact on symptoms or health-related quality of life

The technologies could help management of Parkinson's disease and support better care decisions. To help understand this, evidence is needed on how much of an impact using the technologies has on symptoms or health-related quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease, and their carers. Also, it is unclear if the technologies can lead to sustained clinical benefit.

Use in the NHS

The technologies could be used in different ways in the NHS, for example:

  • to indicate when non-routine review appointments are needed

  • to help healthcare staff support people with symptoms that are difficult to manage

  • when people with Parkinson's disease have difficulty communicating about their symptoms.

Information is needed on how often and in what circumstances the technologies are currently used. This will help to inform evidence generation.

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