Suggested remit: To appraise the clinical and cost effectiveness of tirzepatide within its marketing authorisation for managing obesity or overweight with risk factors.
Status In progress
Technology type Medicine
Decision Selected
Reason for decision Anticipate the topic will be of importance to patients, carers, professionals, commissioners and the health of the public to ensure clinical benefit is realised, inequalities in use addressed, and help them make the best use of NHS resources
Process STA Standard
ID number 6179

Provisional Schedule

Expected publication 19 December 2024

Project Team

Project lead Jennifer Upton

Email enquiries

External Assessment Group Warwick Evidence, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick


Companies sponsors Eli Lilly and Company
Others Department of Health and Social Care
  Health Technology Wales (HTW)
  NHS England
  Welsh Government
Patient carer groups All About Obesity
  Diabetes UK
  Obesity UK
Professional groups Association for the Study of Obesity
  British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society
  Royal College of General Practitioners
  Royal College of Physicians
Comparator companies NovoNordisk
General commentators All Wales Therapeutics and Toxicology Centre
  Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for Northern Ireland
  Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  Scottish Medicines Consortium
  Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
03 October 2024 Statement
03 October 2024 The following statement and documents have been added to the project documents section of the webpage: Following the Technology Appraisal Committee meeting on 13 August 2024, we are consulting with consultees and commentators on the case for extending the statutory 3-month period for funding of tirzepatide for managing overweight and obesity. Following the consultation, NICE Guidance Executive will make a final decision on whether the statutory period of funding should be extended. The final decision will be included in the Final Draft Guidance which will be issued for appeal with publication of final guidance on this appraisal anticipated in December 2024 if no appeals are received. The request from NHS England to vary the funding requirement timeframe for implementation of the NICE committee’s final draft recommendation is included here for information. The committee’s final recommendation on tirzepatide for managing overweight and obesity is as follows: Tirzepatide is recommended as an option for managing overweight and obesity, alongside a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity, in adults, only if they have: • an initial body mass index (BMI) of at least 35 kg/m2 and • at least 1 weight-related comorbidity. Use lower BMI thresholds (usually reduced by 2.5 kg/m2) for people from South Asian, Chinese, other Asian, Middle Eastern, Black African or African-Caribbean ethnic backgrounds. If less than 5% of the initial weight has been lost after 6 months on the highest tolerated dose, decide whether to continue treatment, taking into account the benefits and risks of treatment for the person.
13 August 2024 Committee meeting: 3
13 August 2024 Declaration of interests
13 August 2024 Declaration of interests
04 June 2024 - 25 June 2024 Draft guidance
09 April 2024 Committee meeting: 2
06 March 2024 The next appraisal committee meeting will now take place on 9 April 2024.
08 February 2024 The appraisal was discussed by the technology appraisal committee on 16 January 2024. The committee requires further information before it can make a recommendation on tirzepatide for obesity. We have requested this information from stakeholders and the committee will reconsider this topic at its meeting on 12 March 2024.
16 January 2024 Committee meeting: 1
13 June 2023 Invitation to participate
26 May 2023 Please note that following on from a request received from the company, the timelines for this appraisal have been revised and the appraisal is now anticipated to begin in mid-June 2023. These timings are based on a request from the company to reschedule the initial date set by NICE, in order to facilitate a suitably comprehensive and robust submission.
23 March 2023 Following the changes to remove technical engagement as standard from appraisal timelines, the timelines for the appraisal of Tirzepatide for managing overweight and obesity have been revised. It is anticipated that the appraisal will begin in mid-May 2023 when we will write to you about how you can get involved.
24 January 2023 - 21 February 2023 Consultation on suggested remit, draft scope and provisional stakeholder list of consultees and commentators
24 January 2023 In progress. Scoping commenced
17 October 2022 Awaiting development. Status change linked to Topic Selection Decision being set to Selected

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