Suggested remit: To appraise the clinical and cost effectiveness of CTX001 within its marketing authorisation for treating transfusion-dependent beta-thalassaemia
Status In progress
Technology type Medicine
Decision Selected
Reason for decision Anticipate the topic will be of importance to patients, carers, professionals, commissioners and the health of the public to ensure clinical benefit is realised, inequalities in use addressed, and help them make the best use of NHS resources
Further information DHSC referral received
Process STA Standard
ID number 4015

Project Team

Project lead Celia Mayers

Email enquiries

External Assessment Group Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and Centre for Health Economics, University of York


Companies sponsors Vertex (exagamglogene autotemcel)
Others Department of Health and Social Care
  NHS England
  Welsh Government
Patient carer groups Anthony Nolan
  Gene People
  UK Thalassaemia Society
Professional groups British Society for Haematology
  Royal College of Physicians
  UK Forum on Haemoglobin Disorders
Comparator companies Accord Health care Limited (deferasirox) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  Chiesi Ltd (deferiprone)
  Dr Reddy’s Laboratories (UK) Ltd (deferasirox) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd (deferasirox) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  Hospira UK Ltd (desferrioxamine Mesilate) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  Lipomed GmbH (deferiprone) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  MSN Laboratories Europe Limited (deferasirox) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  Mylan (deferasirox) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd (deferasirox, desferrioxamine Mesilate) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  Sandoz Limited (deferasirox) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  Teva UK (deferasirox) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
  Zentiva (deferasirox) – confidentiality agreement not signed, not participating
General commentators All Wales Therapeutics and Toxicology Centre
  British National Formulary
  Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult
  Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for Northern Ireland
  Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
  Scottish Medicines Consortium
  Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
02 July 2024 Declaration of interests
06 March 2024 NICE has agreed to pause publication of the draft guidance to allow the company and NHS England to enter into commercial and managed access discussions. Once these discussions have concluded, NICE will provide an update outlining the next steps for this appraisal. The publication date on the website will remain TBC.
14 February 2024 Committee meeting
07 December 2023 After very careful consideration, we have taken the decision to postpone the first appraisal committee meeting for this topic. The committee discussion planned for the 14 December 2023 will therefore not be taking place. This delay is necessary to allow the additional time that is needed to ensure the committee has all the evidence needed to inform a full and robust committee discussion leading to the most optimum decision-making. The technology appraisal will be discussed at a meeting of the Highly Specialised Technologies Evaluation Committee on 14 February 2024. Please note that this topic will still be considered as a Single Technology Appraisal.
25 April 2023 Invitation to participate
19 January 2023 - 16 February 2023 Consultation on suggested remit, draft scope and provisional stakeholder list of consultees and commentators: 4015
28 January 2022 In progress

For further information on our processes and methods, please see our CHTE processes and methods manual