Information for the public

What has NICE said?

What has NICE said?

Vacuum therapy for open abdominal wounds is safe enough and works well enough to use in the NHS.

This procedure should only be carried out by health professionals with special training in using the procedure for open abdominal wounds.

More research is needed into vacuum therapy for open abdominal wounds.

What does this mean for me?

If possible, your health professional should fully explain what is involved in having this procedure and discuss the possible benefits and risks with you. You should also be told how to find more information about vacuum therapy for open abdominal wounds. All of this should happen before you decide whether you want to have this procedure or not.

Your health profession might ask you if details of your procedure can be used to help collect more information about vacuum therapy. Ask your health professional for more information about this.

In an emergency, healthcare professionals may give treatment immediately, without obtaining your informed consent, when it is in your best interests.

  • Information Standard