Information for the public

Benefits and risks

Benefits and risks

When NICE looked at the evidence, it decided that this procedure was safe enough and works well enough to use in the NHS. The 4 studies that NICE looked at involved a total of 391 men.

Generally, they showed significant improvements in:

  • the bladder emptying properly

  • how often men had to go to the toilet

  • the urine stream stopping and starting

  • urgency

  • the strength and flow of the urine stream

  • straining

  • how often men had to get up in the night to urinate

  • incontinence

  • quality of life

  • problems with erections.

Some men needed to have another procedure.

The studies showed that the risks of inserting implants into the prostate included:

  • urinary tract infection

  • swollen testicles

  • painful, swollen prostate

  • the bladder not emptying properly

  • occasional, temporary incontinence

  • problems with erections.

These affected small numbers of men.

NICE was also told about some other possible risks: bleeding and needing to use a catheter (a tube) to empty the bladder.

If you want to know more about the studies see the guidance. Ask your health professional to explain anything you don't understand.

  • Information Standard