3 The procedure

3 The procedure


Electrochemotherapy is a local treatment that aims to enhance the effects of chemotherapy.


The procedure is performed with the patient under general or local anaesthesia with or without sedation. Chemotherapy drugs are given first, either intravenously or directly into the tumour. Drug dose is individualised based on either body surface area or tumour volume. Shortly after drug administration, brief and intense electric pulses are delivered around or directly into the tumour using either surface plates or needle electrodes. This makes the cell membranes more permeable to the chemotherapy drugs so that their cytotoxic effect is increased. Different-shaped plates or electrodes are used depending on the tumour size, extent, shape and location. Treatment duration may vary depending on the number and size of tumours. Larger tumours may need several applications to cover the entire surface. Repeated treatments can be performed if necessary (within the lifetime dose limits of the chemotherapy drugs).