Information for the public

Benefits and risks

Benefits and risks

When NICE looked at the evidence, it decided that there is not much good evidence about how well this procedure works or about its effect on quality of life. The 7 studies that NICE looked at involved a total of 290 patients.

Generally, they showed the following benefits:

  • improved symptoms that lasted up to 6 months in 1 study

  • less inflammation and other signs of the condition.

The studies showed that the risks of corticosteroid‑eluting bioabsorbable stent or spacer insertion during endoscopic sinus surgery included:

  • crusting and scarring in the nose in 1 patient, nasal infection in another patient, and infection of the eyelid and skin around the eye in a third patient, all of which got better with treatment

  • headache, pressure and irritation in 1 patient, which got better when the stent was removed.

NICE was also told about another possible risk: the stent falling out.

If you want to know more about the studies, see the guidance.

Ask your health professional to explain anything you don't understand.

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