8 Sources of evidence considered by the Committee

8 Sources of evidence considered by the Committee

The External Assessment Centre report for this assessment was prepared by King's Technology Evaluation Centre (KiTEC):

  • Morris E, Summers J, Peacock J et al., Virtual Touch Quantification to diagnose and monitor liver fibrosis, August 2014

Submissions from the following sponsor:

  • Siemens

The following individuals gave their expert personal view on Virtual Touch Quantification by providing their expert comments on the draft scope and assessment report.

  • Mr Colin Griffin, ratified by the British Medical Ultrasound Society – clinical expert

  • Dr Priya Narayanan, nominated by the Royal College of Radiologists – clinical expert

  • Professor Paul Sidhu, ratified by the Royal College of Radiologists – clinical expert

  • Dr David Sherman, ratified by the Royal College of Physicians – clinical expert

  • Dr Philip Shorvon, ratified by the Royal College of Radiologists – clinical expert

The following individuals gave their expert personal view on Virtual Touch Quantification in writing by completing a patient questionnaire or expert adviser questionnaire provided to the Committee.

  • Ms Sophie Auld, ratified by the Society and College of Radiographers – clinical expert

  • Dr Simon Elliott, ratified by the Royal College of Radiologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Edmund Godfrey, nominated by the Royal College of Radiologists – clinical expert

  • Mr Colin Griffin, ratified by the British Medical Ultrasound Society – clinical expert

  • Dr Michael Heneghan, ratified by the British Association for the Study of the Liver – clinical expert

  • Dr Priya Narayanan, nominated by the Royal College of Radiologists – clinical expert

  • Professor Paul Sidhu, ratified by the Royal College of Radiologists – clinical expert

  • Dr David Sherman, ratified by the Royal College of Physicians – clinical expert

  • Dr Philip Shorvon, ratified by the Royal College of Radiologists – clinical expert

  • Professor Roger Williams, ratified by The Foundation for Liver Research – clinical expert