8 Sources of evidence considered by the committee

8 Sources of evidence considered by the committee

The external assessment centre report for this assessment was prepared by Newcastle and York:

  • Willits I, Cole H, Jones R, Arber M, Jenks M, Craig J and Sims A, Spectra Optia Apheresis System for automated red blood cell exchange in patients with sickle cell disease (August 2015)

Submissions from the following company:

  • Terumo BCT

The following individuals gave their expert personal view on Spectra Optia by providing their expert comments on the draft scope and assessment report.

  • Dr Michele Afif, ratified by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health – clinical expert

  • Dr Martin Besser, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Gavin Cho, ratified by the British Society for Haematology – clinical expert

  • Dr Jo Howard, ratified by the British Society for Haematology – clinical expert

  • Dr Banu Kaya, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Sally Nelson, NHS England – commissioning expert

  • Dr Elizabeth Rhodes, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Kate Ryan, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • John James, the Sickle Cell Society – patient expert

The following individuals gave their expert personal view on Spectra Optia in writing by completing a patient questionnaire or expert adviser questionnaire provided to the committee.

  • Dr Michele Afif, ratified by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health – clinical expert

  • Dr Moji Awogbade, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Martin Besser, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Gavin Cho, ratified by the British Society for Haematology – clinical expert

  • Dr Jo Howard, ratified by the British Society for Haematology – clinical expert

  • Dr Banu Kaya, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Elizabeth Rhodes, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Kate Ryan, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Farrukh Shah, ratified by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert

  • Dr Sara Trompeter, ratified by the British Society for Haematology – clinical expert

  • Chike Eduputa – patient expert

  • John James, the Sickle Cell Society – patient expert

  • Kelly Samuel – patient expert