1 Recommendations

NICE medical technologies guidance addresses specific technologies notified to NICE by manufacturers. The 'case for adoption' is based on the claimed advantages of introducing the specific technology compared with current management of the condition. This 'case' is reviewed against the evidence submitted and expert advice. If the case for adopting the technology is supported, then the technology has been found to offer advantages to patients and the NHS. The specific recommendations on individual technologies are not intended to limit use of other relevant technologies which may offer similar advantages.


Ambulight PDT offers a means of delivering photodynamic therapy (PDT) for patients with small non-melanoma skin cancers in an ambulatory care setting, including patients' homes, and its use may be associated with less pain than conventional PDT. However, the case for routine use of Ambulight PDT in achieving a more efficient service is not supported by the evidence submitted by the manufacturer. The quantity of clinical evidence on its use is limited and the cost consequences of adoption, when compared with conventional PDT, ranged from a saving (per patient) of £195 to a cost increase of £536. NHS organisations should take this into account, alongside other features of the technology, when considering whether to use Ambulight PDT.