Information for the public

Working with you

Working with you

If you've had a violent or aggressive episode in a health or social care setting, the care team should talk with you about it. They should discuss with you how to avoid future episodes, and how to manage them if they do happen. Throughout this information there are boxes showing questions you might like to ask, to help you talk with the care team.

Sometimes violence or aggression needs to be managed using a method called a restrictive intervention. For example, you may be physically restrained or given an injection of medication. (For more information about restrictive interventions see stopping violence or aggression.) Most people find it distressing to have a restrictive intervention, so it's important to talk about these, and ways of avoiding the need for them, with the care team. The care team should also tell you about the types of medications that may be used to calm you down, and the side effects these medications might have.

You can use 'advance decisions' and 'advance statements' to set out your preferences for your care and treatment, including which types of restrictive interventions you would prefer to have if you need them. Your family or carer can be involved in helping to make decisions, but only if you agree. If you're under 18, your parent or carer may be involved in helping to make decisions, depending on your age.

For more information about advance decisions and advance statements see involving you in decisions about your care.

You may also like to read NICE's information for the public on service user experience in adult mental health. This sets out what adults should be able to expect when they use the NHS. We also have more information on the NICE website about using health and social care services.

Some treatments or care described here may not be suitable for you. If you think that your treatment does not match this advice, talk to the care team.

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