Who should take action?


The guidance is for: commissioners, managers, training and education organisations, service providers and practitioners with public health as part of their remit working within local authorities, the NHS, and the wider public, private, voluntary and community sectors.

It is particularly aimed at those who commission, design, investigate and deliver interventions to help people change their behaviour – or who encourage or support behaviour change as part of their role. This includes those who provide training on behaviour change.

The guidance may also be of interest to policy makers, researchers, individuals, groups or organisations wishing to work in partnership with health and social care and other service providers. In addition, it may be of interest to people who want to change their behaviour (for example, to stop smoking), their families and other members of the public.

Table 1 Who should do what at a glance
Who should take action? Recommendation

National policy makers

1, 4

Local policy makers

1, 3, 4


1, 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 16

Health and wellbeing boards


Individuals, groups or organisations wishing to work with health and social care service providers

1, 3, 4

Directors and employers

2, 11

Providers of behaviour change interventions and programmes

5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16

Intervention designers

5, 6, 7

Trained behaviour change practitioners; trained staff working in health, wellbeing and social care services who have contact with the general public

8, 9, 10

Local education and training boards


Managers, supervisors and mentors of staff delivering interventions

2, 11, 14

Providers of training

12, 14, 17

Royal colleges, faculties, schools, voluntary sector and sector skills councils that train or accredit health and social care professionals

13, 17


5, 6 ,7, 15, 16


5, 6 ,7, 15, 16

Research funders

16, 17

National organisations with a remit for improving or assessing health, providing services and training

13, 17

National organisations with a remit for supporting data monitoring, collection and surveillance


Who should take action in detail

Recommendation 1

Local strategy developers (such as health and wellbeing boards); national and local policy makers and commissioners of behaviour change services and their partners in health, local authority and voluntary sector organisations; individuals, groups or organisations wishing to work in partnership with health and social care service providers.

Recommendation 2

Directors, managers and employers in national and local organisations whose employees deliver behaviour change interventions.

Recommendation 3

Local policy makers and commissioners of behaviour change services and their partners in health, local authority and voluntary sector organisations; individuals, groups or organisations wishing to work in partnership with health and social care service providers.

Recommendation 4

National and local policy makers and commissioners of behaviour change services and their partners in health, local authority and voluntary sector organisations; individuals, groups or organisations wishing to work in partnership with health and social care service providers.

Recommendation 5

Commissioners of behaviour change services in health, local authorities and voluntary sector organisations; providers of behaviour change interventions and programmes; intervention designers (including researchers, academics and practitioners).

Recommendation 6

Commissioners of behaviour change services in health, local authorities and voluntary sector organisations; intervention designers (including researchers, academics and practitioners).

Recommendation 7

Providers of behaviour change interventions and programmes; intervention designers (including researchers, academics and practitioners).

Recommendation 8

Providers of behaviour change programmes and interventions, trained behaviour change practitioners.

Recommendation 9

Commissioners and providers of behaviour change services in health, local authority and voluntary sector organisations; trained behaviour change practitioners; staff working in health, wellbeing and social care services who have contact with the general public.

Recommendation 10

Providers and practitioners involved with behaviour change programmes and interventions.

Recommendation 11

Commissioners of behaviour change services in health, local authority and voluntary sector organisations; local education and training boards; managers and supervisors of staff delivering behaviour change interventions.

Recommendation 12

Providers of behaviour change training.

Recommendation 13

Royal colleges, faculties, schools, voluntary sector and sector skills councils that train or accredit health and social care professionals.

Recommendation 14

Providers of behaviour change training; workplace managers, supervisors and mentors of trainees.

Recommendation 15

Commissioners and providers of behaviour change interventions in health, local authority and voluntary sector organisations; researchers (including academics, practitioners and individuals) developing, delivering and evaluating behaviour change interventions.

Recommendation 16

Commissioners and providers of behaviour change interventions in health, local authority and voluntary sector organisations; commissioners and funders of research; researchers (including academics, practitioners and others capable of developing, delivering and evaluating behaviour change interventions).

Recommendation 17

National organisations that support the monitoring, collection and surveillance of routine data; national organisations responsible for behaviour change training and curricula (including, Health Education England, Public Health England, Local Government Association, NHS England, the Department of Health and Office of National statistics); national organisations responsible for research funding.