Appendix E Supporting documents

Appendix E Supporting documents

Supporting documents include:

  • Evidence reviews:

    • Review 1: 'Mapping review: contraceptive services for socially disadvantaged young people'

    • Review 2: 'A review of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of contraceptive services and interventions to encourage use of those services for socially disadvantaged young people: services and interventions in education settings'

    • Review 3: 'A review of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of contraceptive services and interventions to encourage use of those services for socially disadvantaged young people: views review'

    • Review 4: 'A review of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of contraceptive services and interventions to encourage use of those services for socially disadvantaged young people: services and interventions in health care settings'

    • Review 5: 'A review of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of contraceptive services and interventions to encourage use of those services for socially disadvantaged young people: services and interventions in community settings'.

  • Economic modelling: 'Modelling the cost-effectiveness of interventions to encourage young people, especially socially disadvantaged young people, to use contraceptives and contraceptive services'.

  • Fieldwork report: 'Fieldwork for draft guidance on contraceptive services focusing on socially disadvantaged young people'.