
A list of downloadable documents created during development.

Review proposal consultation

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: equality impact assessment - guidance development

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and resurfacing arthroplasty (Rev TA2, TA44): final appraisal determination

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and resurfacing arthroplasty: appraisal consultation

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: assessment report

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: equality impact assessment scoping

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: appendix A - final protocol

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: final scope

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: response to consultee and commentator comments on the draft scope and provisional matrix

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: final matrix

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: superseded final scope

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: appendix B - provisional matrix

Arthritis of the hip (end stage) - hip replacement (total) and surface replacement: appendix A - draft scope