1 Recommendations

1.1 Pembrolizumab is recommended, within its marketing authorisation, as an option for the adjuvant treatment of completely resected stage 2B or 2C melanoma in people 12 years and over. It is recommended only if the company provides pembrolizumab according to the commercial arrangement.

Why the committee made these recommendations

Standard care for people with stage 2B or 2C melanoma that has been removed with surgery (resected) is routine follow-up. There is an unmet need for treatments after surgery (adjuvant treatment).

Clinical evidence shows that adjuvant pembrolizumab increases how long people live without the cancer coming back and getting worse compared with placebo. There is still not enough evidence to know how much pembrolizumab increases how long people live.

Because of this, and because introducing pembrolizumab for stage 2B or 2C melanoma is likely to change the treatment pathway, there is some uncertainty in the cost-effectiveness estimates. But despite the uncertainty, they are within what NICE considers an acceptable use of NHS resources. So, pembrolizumab is recommended.