NICE process and methods

10 Cancelled appeals

10 Cancelled appeals

Once an appeal is received there may be occasions when NICE wishes to withdraw the final draft guidance resulting in the appeal being cancelled. Similarly, an appellant may decide to withdraw their appeal, which would mean the appeal is cancelled if there are no other appellants. In both cases, the decision to withdraw must be submitted in writing to the lead non-executive director for appeals. The lead non-executive director for appeals will acknowledge the letter and the NICE appeals team will inform the other parties involved in the appeal.

If an appeal is cancelled after the notice of an appeal has been published on the NICE website, NICE will publish a notice on its website announcing that the appeal has been cancelled, along with the appeal letter(s), scrutiny letters, responses to these letters and letter explaining the cancellation and the response, at least 2 working days after the stakeholders are informed. For oral appeals and when registration to attend has opened, NICE will also inform members of the public and stakeholders registered to observe the hearing of the cancelled appeal after the stakeholders are informed.