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The NICE indicator menu includes general practice and CCG level indicators by clinical area.

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About NICE Indicators

Stroke and ischaemic attack

Patients who have had an acute stroke who spend 90% or more of their stay on a stroke unit

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00335 National Library Indicator

The percentage of patients with stroke or TIA who have had influenza immunisation in the preceding 1 August to 31 March

View indicator details NICE id code: NM140 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients registered at the practice aged 65 years and over who have been diagnosed with one or more of the following conditions: coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, CKD, PAD, or stroke/TIA who have had a pulse rhythm assessment in the preceding 12 months.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM146 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with one or more of the following conditions: CHD, atrial fibrillation, chronic heart failure, stroke or TIA, diabetes or dementia who have been screened for hazardous drinking using the FAST or AUDIT-C tool in the preceding 2 years.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM180 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with one or more of the following conditions: CHD, atrial fibrillation, chronic heart failure, stroke or TIA, diabetes or dementia with a FAST score of 3 or more or AUDIT-C score of 5 or more in the preceding 2 years who have received brief intervention to help them reduce their alcohol related risk within 3 months of the score being recorded

View indicator details NICE id code: NM181 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients aged 79 years or under with a history of stroke or TIA in whom the last blood pressure reading (measured in the preceding 12 months) is less than 135/85 mmHg if using ambulatory or home monitoring, or less than 140/90 mmHg if monitored in clinic

View indicator details NICE id code: NM227 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients aged 80 years or over with a history of stroke or TIA in whom the last blood pressure reading (measured in the preceding 12 months) is less than 145/85 mmHg if using ambulatory or home monitoring, or less than 150/90 mmHg if monitored in clinic

View indicator details NICE id code: NM228 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The contractor establishes and maintains a register of patients with stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA)

View indicator details NICE id code: NM243 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with a stroke shown to be non-haemorrhagic, or a history of TIA, who have a record in the preceding 12 months that an anti-platelet agent, or an anti-coagulant is being taken

View indicator details NICE id code: NM94 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

Surgical care

Readmission rates for surgical site infections within 30 days of discharge from surgery

View indicator details NICE id code: CCG79 Clinical Commissioning Group indicator

Weight management

The percentage of patients with coronary heart disease, stroke or TIA, diabetes, hypertension, peripheral arterial disease, heart failure, COPD, asthma and/ or rheumatoid arthritis who have had a BMI recorded in the preceding 12 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM121 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients aged 18 or over who have had a record of a BMI being calculated in the preceding 5 years (and after their 18th birthday)

View indicator details NICE id code: NM143 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with a BMI of 27.5 kg/m2 or more (or 30 kg/m2 or more if ethnicity is recorded as White) in the preceding 12 months who have been offered referral to a weight management programme within 90 days of the BMI being recorded

View indicator details NICE id code: NM202 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with hypertension or diabetes and a BMI of 27.5 kg/m2 or more (or 30 kg/m2 or more if ethnicity is recorded as White) in the preceding 12 months who have been referred to a weight management programme within 90 days of the BMI being recorded

View indicator details NICE id code: NM203 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The contractor establishes and maintains a register of patients aged 18 or over with a BMI of 23 kg/m2 or more (or 25 kg/m2 or more if ethnicity is recorded as White) in the preceding 12 months.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM221 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The contractor establishes and maintains a register of patients aged 18 or over with a BMI of 27.5 kg/m2 or more (or 30 kg/m2 or more if ethnicity is recorded as White) in the preceding 12 months.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM222 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF