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About NICE Indicators


The percentage of patients with diabetes on the register, aged 79 years and under without moderate or severe frailty, in whom the last blood pressure reading (measured in the preceding 12 months) is less than 135/85 mmHg if using ambulatory or home monitoring, or less than 140/90 mmHg if measured in clinic

View indicator details NICE id code: NM233 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients newly diagnosed with diabetes, on the register, in the preceding 1 April to 31 March who have a record of being referred to a structured education programme within 9 months after entry on to the diabetes register

View indicator details NICE id code: NM27 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with diabetes who have a record of a dietary review by a suitably competent professional in the preceding 15 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM28 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The contractor establishes and maintains a register of all patients aged 17 or over with diabetes mellitus, which specifies the type of diabetes where a diagnosis has been confirmed

View indicator details NICE id code: NM41 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of male patients with diabetes with a record of being asked about erectile dysfunction in the preceding 15 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM51 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of male patients with diabetes who have a record of erectile dysfunction with a record of advice and assessment of contributory factors and treatment options in the preceding 15 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM52 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with diabetes who have a record of an albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR) test in the preceding 15 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM59 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of women with diabetes aged 17 or over and who have not attained the age of 45 who have a record of being given information and advice about pregnancy or conception or contraception tailored to their pregnancy and contraceptive intentions recorded in the preceding 12 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM70 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with diabetes who have had the following care processes performed in the preceding 12 months: BMI measurement; BP measurement; HbA1c measurement; Cholesterol measurement; Record of smoking status; Foot examination; Albumin: creatinine ratio; Serum creatinine measurement

View indicator details NICE id code: NM74 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with diabetes, on the register, with a diagnosis of nephropathy (clinical proteinuria) or micro-albuminuria who are currently treated with an ACE-I (or ARBs)

View indicator details NICE id code: NM95 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with diabetes, on the register, in whom the last IFCC-HbA1c is 64 mmol/mol or less in the preceding 12 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM96 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with diabetes, on the register, in whom the last IFCC-HbA1c is 75 mmol/mol or less in the preceding 12 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM97 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with diabetes, on the register, who have a record of retinal screening in the preceding 12 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM98 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

Embolism and thrombosis

Mortality rates directly associated with VTE

View indicator details NICE id code: CCG80 Clinical Commissioning Group indicator

Deaths from venous thromboembolism (VTE) related events 90 days post discharge from hospital

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00368 National Library Indicator


The percentage of women under the age of 55 years who are taking antiseizure medications who have a record of information and counselling about contraception, conception and pregnancy in the preceding 12 months.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM03 GP Indicator suitable for outside QOF

The percentage of patients aged 18 or over on drug treatment for epilepsy who have been seizure free for the last 12 months recorded in the preceding 12 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM110 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of adults receiving drug treatment for epilepsy who had a structured review in the preceding 12 months

View indicator details NICE id code: NM209 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The contractor establishes and maintains a register of patients aged 18 or over receiving drug treatment for epilepsy.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM237 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of women with epilepsy who are aged 18 or over, but under 45, who are taking antiseizure medications and have a record of being given information and advice in the previous 12 months about pregnancy or conception, or contraception tailored to their pregnancy and contraceptive intentions.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM71 GP Indicator suitable for outside QOF

GP services

Patient experience of primary care - GP

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00035_1 National Library Indicator

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00070 National Library Indicator

Proportion of people feeling supported to manage their conditions (NHSOF)

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00119 National Library Indicator

Proportion of people feeling supported to manage their conditions (CCGOIS)

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00128 National Library Indicator