Appendix: Search strategy and evidence selection

Appendix: Search strategy and evidence selection

Search strategy

The sources are:

  1. NHS Evidence (including guidelines)

  2. NICE

  3. Broad internet search: Google, for example, (metformin or glucophage) AND polycystic ovary syndrome AND (~guideline OR ~algorithm) filetype:pdf

Medline & Embase (via Ovid)

  1. (metformin or glucophage or dimethylbiguanidine or dimethylguanylguanidine or metsol).tw.

  2. Metformin/

  3. 1 or 2

  4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/

  5. (pcos or (polycystic adj ovar*) or (sclerocystic adj ovar*) or (Stein-Leventhal adj syndrome)).tw.

  6. 4 or 5

  7. 3 and 6

  8. exp review/

  9. (scisearch or psychinfo or psycinfo or medlars or embase or psychlit or psyclit or cinahl or pubmed or medline).ti,ab,sh.

  10. ((hand adj2 search$) or (manual$ adj2 search$)).ti,ab,sh.

  11. ((electronic or bibliographic or computeri?ed or online) adj4 database$).ti,ab.

  12. (pooling or pooled or mantel haenszel).ti,ab,sh.

  13. (peto or dersimonian or der simonian or fixed effect).ti,ab,sh.

  14. or/9-13

  15. 8 and 14

  16. Meta Analysis/

  17. (meta-analys$ or meta analys$ or metaanalys$).ti,ab,sh.

  18. ((systematic$ or quantitativ$ or methodologic$) adj5 (review$ or overview$ or synthesis$)).ti,ab,sh.

  19. (integrative research review$ or research integration).ti,ab,sh.

  20. or/16-19

  21. 15 or 20

  22. clinical trials, phase iv/ or clinical trials, phase iii/ or randomized controlled trials/ or multicenter studies/

  23. (random$ or placebo$ or ((singl$ or double$ or triple$ or treble$) and (blind$ or mask$))).ti,ab,sh.

  24. 22 or 23

  25. (animal$ not human$).sh.

  26. 24 not 25

  27. (economic? or cost?).tw.

  28. 21 or 26

  29. 7 and 28

  30. 7 and 27

  31. 29 or 30

  32. limit 31 to english language

CRD HTA, DARE and EED database

  1. (metformin or glucophage or dimethylbiguanidine or dimethylguanylguanidine or metsol)


  3. MeSH DESCRIPTOR Polycystic Ovary Syndrome EXPLODE ALL TREES

  4. ((polycystic NEXT ovar*) OR (sclerocystic NEXT ovar*) OR (Stein-Leventhal NEXT Syndrome) OR pcos)

  5. #1 OR #2

  6. #3 OR #4

  7. #5 AND #6

Cochrane CENTRAL

  1. (metformin or glucophage or dimethylbiguanidine or dimethylguanylguanidine or metsol):ti,ab,kw

  2. MeSH descriptor: [Metformin] this term only

  3. #1 or #2

  4. (pcos or (polycystic next ovar*) or (sclerocystic next ovar*) or (Stein-Leventhal next syndrome)):ti,ab,kw

  5. MeSH descriptor: [Polycystic Ovary Syndrome] this term only

  6. #4 or #5

  7. #3 and #6 in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only) and Trials


metformin or glucophage

Grey literature and ongoing trials search

Manufacturers' websites

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Merck Serono

Evidence selection

Studies were included based on predetermined criteria for relevance to the question set at scoping. Individual studies were scored for validity using the methods and checklists described in the appendices of the NICE guidelines method manual. The highest quality research was selected as the basis for answering the questions set on efficacy, safety and cost.