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    • Has all of the relevant evidence been taken into account?
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    • Are the summaries of clinical and and cost effectiveness reasonable interpretations of the evidence?
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    • Are the recommendations sound and a suitable basis for guidance to the NHS?
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    • Are there any equality issues that need special consideration and are not covered in the medical technology consultation document?
The content on this page is not current guidance and is only for the purposes of the consultation process.

1 Recommendations

1.1 DyeVert Systems show promise for reducing the risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) in coronary and peripheral angiography after using contrast media. However, there is not enough evidence to support the case for routine adoption. This is because there is not enough good-quality evidence that using the system reduces AKI incidence after receiving contrast media.

1.2 A randomised controlled trial is recommended to compare DyeVert Systems with standard care. The aim of this research would be to address uncertainties about whether using DyeVert Systems reduces AKI incidence and rate of renal replacement therapy after using contrast media. This should include people with stage 4 chronic kidney disease (with an estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] under 30 ml/min/1.73 m2) who are at risk of AKI and need an elective coronary or peripheral angiography.

Find out details of required outcomes in further research.

Why the committee made these recommendations

Current standard care to reduce the risk of AKI in people having contrast dye (media) during coronary and peripheral angiography involves giving them fluids.

Clinical evidence shows that DyeVert Systems reduce the amount of contrast that enters the blood vessel. Contrast dye is thought to increase the risk of AKI in people at risk. There is some evidence to suggest the system could reduce AKI but more is needed to be certain. Also, almost all the evidence is from coronary angiography, which may not apply to peripheral angiography.

Because of the uncertainty about whether DyeVert Systems reduce AKI, any potential cost savings are also uncertain.

Therefore NICE recommends further research.