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    Validity and generalisability of the studies

    • No randomised controlled trials were identified.

    • Studies included data reported from the UK.

    • There is some patient overlap between the studies. Data from the ANCHOR registry have been reported in numerous publications.

    • In the systematic review, most patients had favourable aortic neck characteristics and the results may not be generalisable to patients with more challenging anatomy (Qamhawi, 2020).

    • Different stent grafts have been used, which may have different safety and efficacy profiles. For example, migration rates may be lower with newer generation stent grafts.

    • One study used an earlier version of an endograft and endoanchoring system and reported high rates of thrombus-related events associated with the endograft. The authors noted that newer endograft devices have been modified to reduce the rate of thrombus-related events (Mehta, 2014). This study also had extensive inclusion and exclusion criteria that would have excluded most patients with hostile aortic neck anatomy.

    • Two studies reported median follow up periods longer than 2 years (Valdivia, 2021; Mehta, 2014).