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    The content on this page is not current guidance and is only for the purposes of the consultation process.

    1 Draft recommendations

    1.1 Evidence on the safety of prostatic urethral temporary implant insertion for lower urinary tract symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia shows well-recognised complications in the short term. Evidence on its efficacy is limited in quantity and quality. Therefore, this procedure should only be used with special arrangements for clinical governance, consent, and audit or research. Find out what special arrangements mean on the NICE interventional procedures guidance page.

    1.2 Clinicians wanting to do prostatic urethral temporary implant insertion for lower urinary tract symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia should:

    • Inform the clinical governance leads in their healthcare organisation.

    • Give people (and their families and carers as appropriate) clear written information to support shared decision making, including NICE's information for the public.

    • Ensure that people (and their families and carers as appropriate) understand the procedure's safety and efficacy, and any uncertainties about these.

    • Audit and review clinical outcomes of everyone having the procedure. The main efficacy and safety outcomes identified in this guidance can be entered into NICE's interventional procedure outcomes audit tool (for use at local discretion).

    • Discuss the outcomes of the procedure during their annual appraisal to reflect, learn and improve.

    1.3 Healthcare organisations should:

    • Ensure systems are in place that support clinicians to collect and report data on outcomes and safety for everyone having this procedure.

    • Regularly review data on outcomes and safety for this procedure.

    1.4 Patient selection should be done by a team experienced in managing benign prostatic hyperplasia. The procedure should only be done by clinicians with specific training in the technique.

    1.5 Further research could include registry data. It should report details of patient selection, including size of prostate, and longer term outcomes, including the need for reintervention.