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    NICE identified studies and reviews relevant to endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage for acute cholecystitis from the medical literature. The following databases were searched between the date they started to 11 August 2022: MEDLINE, PREMEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and other databases. Trial registries and the internet were also searched (see the literature search strategy). Relevant published studies identified during consultation or resolution that are published after this date may also be considered for inclusion.

    The following inclusion criteria were applied to the abstracts identified by the literature search.

    • Publication type: clinical studies were included with emphasis on identifying good quality studies. Abstracts were excluded if they did not report clinical outcomes. Reviews, editorials, and laboratory or animal studies, were also excluded and so were conference abstracts, because of the difficulty of appraising study methodology, unless they reported specific adverse events that not available in the published literature.

    • Patients with acute cholecystitis for whom surgery was not an option.

    • Intervention or test: endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage

    • Outcome: articles were retrieved if the abstract contained information relevant to the safety, efficacy, or both.

    If selection criteria could not be determined from the abstracts the full paper was retrieved.

    Potentially relevant studies not included in the main evidence summary are listed in the section on other relevant studies.

    Find out more about how NICE selects the evidence for the committee.

    Table 4 literature search strategy


    Date searched


    MEDLINE (Ovid)


    1946 to August 10, 2022

    MEDLINE In-Process (Ovid)


    1946 to August 10, 2022

    MEDLINE Epubs ahead of print (Ovid)


    1946 to August 10, 2022

    EMBASE (Ovid)


    1974 to 2022 August 10

    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews – CDSR (Cochrane Library)


    Issue 8 of 12, August 2022

    Cochrane Central Database of Controlled Trials – CENTRAL (Cochrane Library)


    Issue 8 of 12, August 2022

    International HTA database (INAHTA)


    The following search strategy was used to identify papers in MEDLINE. A similar strategy was used to identify papers in other databases.

    MEDLINE search strategy

    1 exp Cholecystitis/


    3 ((gallbladder* or gall bladder*) adj4 (inflam* or empyema or infect* or irritat*)).tw.

    4 biliary tract/ or bile ducts/ or cystic duct/ or gallbladder/

    5 (obstruct* or block* or stenos* or stoppage* or narrow* or imped*).tw.

    6 4 and 5

    7 ((Biliary or "Bile duct*" or gallbladder* or gall bladder* or "cystic duct*") adj4 (obstruct* or block* or stenos* or stoppage* or narrow* or imped*)).tw.

    8 1 or 2 or 3 or 6 or 7

    9 gallbladder/ and drainage/

    10 Endoscopes/ or Endoscopy/ or Endoscopy, Digestive System/

    11 Stents/

    12 Ultrasonography, Interventional/

    13 Endosonography/

    14 (12 or 13) and 9

    15 (10 or 11) and 9

    16 (Endoscop* adj4 ultraso* adj4 guid* adj4 (cholecystoduodenostom* or cholecystogastrostom* or cholecystojejunostom*)).tw.

    17 (Endoscop* adj4 ultraso* adj4 guid* adj4 (Biliary or "Bile duct*" or gallbladder or gall bladder or "cystic duct*") adj4 drain*).tw.

    18 (EUS-guid* adj4 (cholecystoduodenostom* or cholecystogastrostom* or cholecystojejunostom*)).tw.

    19 (EUS-guid* adj4 (Biliary or "Bile duct*" or gallbladder or gall bladder or "cystic duct*") adj4 drain*).tw. 220 (EUS-GBD or EUSGBD).tw.

    21 "lumen-apposing metal stent*".tw.


    23 or/14-22

    24 8 and 23

    25 "Electrocautery-Enhanced Delivery System".tw.

    26 "GORE VIABIL Biliary Endoprosthesis".tw.

    27 "Short Wire Biliary Endoprosthesis".tw.

    28 ("hot axios*" or axios*).tw.

    29 or/24-28

    30 animals/ not humans/

    31 29 not 30