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    Has all of the relevant evidence been taken into account?
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    Are the summaries of clinical and cost effectiveness reasonable interpretations of the evidence?
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    Are the recommendations sound and a suitable basis for guidance to the NHS?
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    Are there any aspects of the recommendations that need particular consideration to ensure we avoid unlawful discrimination against any group of people on the grounds of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity?
The content on this page is not current guidance and is only for the purposes of the consultation process.

4 Recommendations for research

4.1 The committee acknowledged the need for tix–cil to be evaluated quickly against all new variants. It also suggested that the company enter tix–cil into an ongoing platform trial for preventative therapy (PROTECT‑V) or other studies such as RAPID-PROTECTION. This would create a real-time link between in vitro and in vivo data.

4.2 The committee recommended that the healthcare system develop a rapid appraisal process for neutralising monoclonal antibodies such as tix–cil so that effective products can be fast-tracked to eligible patients.

4.3 The committee noted the lack of evidence on how the availability of a preventative treatment would impact on shielding behaviours, to determine the impact on both health-related quality of life and efficacy of treatment. It noted that conducting a survey; similar to that done by the Office for National Statistics, which investigated the proportion of high-risk patients shielding; would be useful.