Information for the public

Where can I find out more?

Where can I find out more?

Nacro, 0300 123 1999

Positively, UK 0207 713 0444

Prison Reform Trust, 0808 802 0060

Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners Trust, 0203 752 5560

Rethink Mental Illness, 0300 5000 927

Samaritans, 116 123

Women in Prison, 0207 359 6674

The NHS Choices website also has a lot of information about specific health problems and how to stay as healthy as possible.

If you would like more information from any of these organisations you could ask a member of the healthcare team, or a friend or relative, to print it out for you.

NICE is not responsible for the quality or accuracy of any information or advice provided by these organisations.

You may also like to read NICE's information for the public on patient experience in adult NHS services. This sets out what adults should be able to expect when they use the NHS.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-2151-5

  • Information Standard