1 Recommendations

1 Recommendations


The CoaguChek XS system is recommended for self‑monitoring coagulation status in adults and children on long‑term vitamin K antagonist therapy who have atrial fibrillation or heart valve disease if:

  • the person prefers this form of testing and

  • the person or their carer is both physically and cognitively able to self‑monitor effectively.


This recommendation has been removed because the InRatio2 PT/INR monitor is no longer available.


Patients and carers should be trained in the effective use of the CoaguChek XS system and clinicians involved in their care should regularly review their ability to self‑monitor.


Equipment for self‑monitoring should be regularly checked using reliable quality control procedures, and by testing patients' equipment against a healthcare professional's coagulometer which is checked in line with an external quality assurance scheme. Ensure accurate patient records are kept and shared appropriately.


For people who may have difficulty with or who are unable to self‑monitor, such as children or people with disabilities, their carers should be considered to help with self‑monitoring.