8 Diagnostics advisory committee members and NICE project team

8 Diagnostics advisory committee members and NICE project team

Diagnostics advisory committee

The diagnostics advisory committee is an independent committee consisting of 22 standing members and additional specialist members. A list of the committee members who participated in this assessment appears below.

Standing committee members

Professor Adrian Newland
Chair, diagnostics advisory committee and Professor of Haematology, Barts Health NHS Trust

Dr Mark Kroese
Vice Chair, diagnostics advisory committee and Consultant in Public Health Medicine, PHG Foundation, Cambridge and UK Genetic Testing Network

Professor Ron Akehurst
Professor of Health Economics, School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield

Mr John Bagshaw
Industry Representative, IVD Consultant

Dr Sue Crawford
GP Principal, Chillington Health Centre

Dr Steve Edwards
Head of Health Technology Assessment, BMJ Evidence Centre

Dr Simon Fleming
Consultant in Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine, Royal Cornwall Hospital

Dr James Gray
Consultant Microbiologist, Birmingham Children's Hospital

Professor Steve Halligan
Professor of Radiology, University College London

Mr John Hitchman
Lay Member

Professor Chris Hyde
Professor of Public Health and Clinical Epidemiology, Peninsula Technology Assessment Group (PenTAG)

Mr Patrick McGinley
Head of Costing and Service Line Reporting, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Dr Michael Messenger
Deputy Director and Scientific Manager NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Co‑operative, Leeds

Mrs Alexandria Moseley
Lay Member

Dr Peter Naylor
GP, Chair Wirral Health Commissioning Consortia

Dr Dermot Neely
Consultant in Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine, Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Trust

Dr Simon Richards
Vice President Regulatory Affairs, Europe and Middle East, Alere Inc

Professor Mark Sculpher
Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Economics, University of York

Professor Matt Stevenson
Professor of Health Technology Assessment, School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield

Professor Anthony Wierzbicki
Consultant in Metabolic Medicine/Chemical Pathology, St Thomas' Hospital

Specialist committee members

Dr James East
Consultant Gastroenterologist and Endoscopist, John Radcliffe Hospital

Mrs Susan McConnell
Nurse Endoscopist, County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trust

Dr Morgan Moorghen
Consultant Histopathologist, Northwick Park Hospital

Dr Venkat Subramanian
Clinical Associate Professor and Consultant Gastroenterologist, Leeds Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences

NICE project team

Each diagnostics assessment is assigned to a team consisting of a technical analyst (who acts as the topic lead), a technical adviser and a project manager.

Jessica Maloney
Topic Lead (to December 2016)

Frances Nixon
Technical Adviser (to December 2016) and Topic Lead (from January 2017)

Rebecca Albrow
Technical Adviser (from January 2017)

Robert Fernley
Project Manager

ISBN: 978-1-4731-2492-9