4 Recommendations for further research

4 Recommendations for further research


Further research is recommended on:

  • the impact of LiverMultiScan test results on decisions about care, such as the decision to do a liver biopsy, or on adherence to lifestyle interventions (see section 3.5)

  • the test accuracy of LiverMultiScan compared with biopsy, or the prognostic ability of LiverMultiScan to predict clinical outcomes (see section 3.19).


Further research is recommended on:

  • the impact of magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) test results on decisions about care, such as the decision to do a liver biopsy, or on adherence to lifestyle interventions (see section 3.5)

  • the test accuracy of MRE to assess the level of fibrosis or presence of cirrhosis compared with biopsy at thresholds specified by the company, or the prognostic ability of MRE to predict clinical outcomes (see section 3.20).