4 Committee members and NICE project team

Committee members

This topic was considered by NICE's medical technologies advisory committee, which is a standing advisory committee of NICE.

Committee members are asked to declare any interests in the technologies to be evaluated. If it is considered there is a conflict of interest, the member is excluded from participating further in that evaluation.

The minutes of the medical technologies advisory committee meetings, which include the names of the members who attended and their declarations of interests, are posted on the NICE website.

Specialist committee members

Additional specialist committee members took part in the discussions and provided expert advice for this topic:

Dr Angela Pathmanathan
Consultant clinical oncologist, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Carl Rowbottom
Consultant clinical scientist and director of physics, Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

Dr David Bernstein
Lead physicist in radiotherapy imaging, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Jacqueline Poxon
Deputy head of treatment planning physics, Barts Health NHS Trust

Mr Mayur Munshi
Lead for dosimetry, Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre

Dr Samantha Warren
Consultant clinical scientist, Newcastle upon Tyne University Hospitals NHS Trust

Mr Syed Moinuddin
Lead research and development radiographer, University College London Hospitals (UCLH) NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Teresa Guerrero Urbano
Consultant clinical oncologist and adjunct reader, Guy's and St Thomas's NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London

NICE project team

Each medical technologies guidance topic is assigned to a team consisting of 1 or more health technology assessment analysts (who act as technical leads for the topic), a health technology assessment adviser and a project manager.

Dionne Bowie and Alice Bell
Health technology assessment analyst and associate health technology assessment analyst

Bernice Dillon
Health technology assessment adviser

Elizabeth Islam
Project manager

ISBN: 978-1-4731-5414-8