Following on from advice received from the company, NICE has decided to suspend this appraisal whilst the company confirm their regulatory filing plans in the UK. As this appraisal has been deferred NICE will continue to monitor any development and will update interested parties if the situation changes.
Status Suspended
Technology type Medicine
Decision Selected
Process TA
ID number 3922

Email enquiries


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
16 February 2024 Suspended. Following on from advice received from the company, NICE has decided to suspend this appraisal whilst the company confirm their regulatory filing plans in the UK. As this appraisal has been deferred NICE will continue to monitor any development and will update interested parties if the situation changes.
26 January 2023 Please note that following on from advice received from the company the timelines for this appraisal are to be confirmed. The appraisal will be scheduled to align with latest regulatory expectations and an update on the timelines will be provided when further information is available.

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