Suggested remit: To appraise the clinical and cost effectiveness of AZD 3152 within its marketing authorisation for preventing COVID-19.
Status In progress
Technology type Medicine
Decision Selected
Reason for decision Anticipate the topic will be of importance to patients, carers, professionals, commissioners and the health of the public to ensure clinical benefit is realised, inequalities in use addressed, and help them make the best use of NHS resources
Further information Scoping commencing
Process STA Standard
ID number 6282

Project Team

Project lead Louise Jafferally

Email enquiries

External Assessment Group School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield


Companies sponsors AstraZeneca (sipavibart)
Others Department of Health and Social Care
  NHS England
Patient carer groups Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis
  African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust
  Anthony Nolan
  Aplastic Anaemia Trust
  Blood Cancer UK
  Cardiomyopathy UK
  Cardiothoracic Transplant Patient Group
  Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Support Association
  Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Support Group
  Clinically Vulnerable Families
  Crohn’s & Colitis UK
  Diabetes UK
  Down’s Syndrome Association
  Forgotten Lives UK
  Immunodeficiency UK
  Kidney Care UK
  Kidney Research UK
  Leukaemia Cancer Society
  Leukaemia Care
  Leukaemia UK
  Long Covid Kids
  Long Covid Physio
  Long Covid Support
  Lupus UK
  Lymphoma Action
  Macmillan Cancer Support
  MDS UK Patient Support Group
  Metabolic Support UK
  MS Society
  Multiple Sclerosis Trust
  Myeloma UK
  National Kidney Federation
  National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society
  Polycystic Kidney Disease Charity
  Sarcoidosis UK
  Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK
  South Asian Health Foundation
  Specialised Healthcare Alliance
  Thrombosis UK
  Vasculitis UK
Professional groups Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
  Association of British Neurologists
  Association of Cancer Physicians
  British Geriatrics Society
  British HIV Association
  British Infection Association
  British Paediatric Allergy Infection and Immunity Group
  British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology
  British Society for Haematology
  British Society for Heart Failure
  British Society for Immunology
  British Society for Rheumatology
  British Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapies
  British Thoracic Society
  British Transplant Society
  Cancer Research UK
  Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
  Infection Prevention Society
  Microbiology Society
  NHS Blood and Transplant
  Royal College of General Practitioners
  Royal College of Nursing
  Royal College of Pathologists
  Royal College of Physicians
  Royal Pharmaceutical Society
  Royal Society of Medicine
  UK Clinical Pharmacy Association
  UK CLL Forum
  UK Kidney Association
  UK Renal Pharmacy Group
Associated public health groups Public Health Wales
  UK Health Security Agency
Comparator companies None
General commentators All Wales Therapeutics and Toxicology Centre
  Allied Health Professionals Federation
  Board of Community Health Councils in Wales
  British National Formulary
  Care Quality Commission
  Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland
  Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for Northern Ireland
  Diabetes UK Cymru
  Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  Hospital Information Services - Jehovah's Witnesses
  Long Covid Scotland
  Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
  National Association of Primary Care
  National Pharmacy Association
  NHS Alliance
  NHS Confederation
  Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke Association
  Scottish Medicines Consortium
  Welsh Government
  Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee
Relevant research groups Cochrane Infections Diseases Group
  Cochrane UK
  Genomics England
  Institute of Cancer Research
  Leukaemia Busters
  Long Covid Research Initiative
  MRC Clinical Trials Unit


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
27 June 2024 Please note that AstraZeneca has communicated to NICE that there has been a delay to the availability of the necessary analyses for its submission in July 2024 and has requested a delay. Following on from information received from the company, the timelines for this appraisal have been revised and the appraisal is now anticipated to begin during early August 2024 when we will write to you about how you can get involved. The deadline for submissions is expected in approximately early October 2024.
05 April 2024 The company has now updated projections of when data will be available from the SUPERNOVA study, and NICE has therefore rescheduled the appraisal timelines to align with this. As a result, the first Committee meeting is now scheduled for Wednesday 4 December 2024.
01 February 2024 Invitation to participate
27 November 2023 Please note that NICE intends to formally start the appraisal in February 2024 and invite stakeholder submissions in April 2024. Timelines for both NICE guidance and licensing depend on data from the SUPERNOVA trial being available. However, the company will submit clinical data to NICE and the MHRA at the same time, with the aim of both organisations being able to reach decisions as close together as possible.
08 August 2023 Please note that following on from advice received from the company this appraisal has been rescheduled to align with latest regulatory expectations. Therefore, we now anticipate that the appraisal will begin during early 2024 when we will write to you about how you can get involved.
30 May 2023 - 19 June 2023 Consultation on suggested remit, draft scope and provisional stakeholder list of consultees and commentators: 6282
30 May 2023 If you are representing an organisation that has not been sent the draft scope consultation directly, and want to be considered as a stakeholder, please contact
30 May 2023 In progress

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