8 Sources of evidence considered by the Committee

8 Sources of evidence considered by the Committee

The External Assessment Centre report for this assessment was prepared by the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals and York Economics Consortium External Assessment Centre:

  • Jenks M, Craig J, Arber M, et al. The 3M Tegaderm CHG IV securement dressing for central venous and arterial catheter insertion sites, January 2015

Submissions from the following company:

  • 3M Health Care

The following individuals gave their expert personal view on Tegaderm CHG by providing their expert comments on the draft scope and assessment report.

  • Dr Linda Kelly, nominated by National Infusion and Vascular Access Society – clinical expert

  • Mr James Bitmead, ratified by Royal College of Nursing – clinical expert

  • Ms Lisa Dougherty, nominated by National Infusion and Vascular Access Society – clinical expert

  • Ms Annette Jeanes, ratified by Royal College of Nursing – clinical expert

  • Mr Maurice Madeo, ratified by Infection Prevention Society – clinical expert

  • Ms Jackie Nicholson, nominated by National Infusion and Vascular Access Society – clinical expert

The following individuals gave their expert personal view on Tegaderm CHG in writing by completing a patient questionnaire or expert adviser questionnaire provided to the Committee.

  • Dr Linda Kelly, nominated by National Infusion and Vascular Access Society – clinical expert

  • Mr James Bitmead, ratified by Royal College of Nursing – clinical expert

  • Ms Lisa Dougherty, nominated by National Infusion and Vascular Access Society – clinical expert

  • Ms Annette Jeanes, ratified by Royal College of Nursing – clinical expert

  • Mr Maurice Madeo, ratified by Infection Prevention Society – clinical expert

  • Ms Jackie Nicholson, nominated by National Infusion and Vascular Access Society – clinical expert

  • Mr Andrew Barton, ratified by Nursing and Midwifery Council – clinical expert

  • Dr Justin Roberts, ratified by Royal College of Anaesthetists – clinical expert

  • Dr Roland Black, ratified by Royal College of Anaesthetists – clinical expert

  • Dr Muhammad Raza, ratified by Royal College of Pathologists – clinical expert