Appendix A Membership of the Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee (PHIAC), the NICE project team and external contractors

Appendix A Membership of the Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee (PHIAC), the NICE project team and external contractors

Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee

NICE has set up a standing committee, the Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee (PHIAC), which reviews the evidence and develops recommendations on public health interventions. Membership of PHIAC is multidisciplinary, comprising public health practitioners, clinicians, local authority officers, teachers, social care professionals, representatives of the public, academics and technical experts as follows.

John F Barker
Interim Children's Services Manager; Assistant Director of e-Government, IdEA; Programme Co-coordinator, Better Government for Older People, Deputy Director of Social Services, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

Sarah Byford
Professor of Health Economics, Centre for the Economics of Mental and Physical Health, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London

K K Cheng
Professor of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Birmingham

Joanne Cooke
Programme Manager, Collaboration and Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for South Yorkshire

Philip Cutler
Project Coordinator, Bradford Alliance on Community Care

Richard Fordham
Chair in Applied Health Economics, University of East Anglia; Director, NHS Health Economics Support Programme (HESP)

Lesley Michele de Meza
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education Consultant, Trainer and Writer

Ruth Hall
Public Health Consultant

Amanda Hoey
Director, Consumer Health Consulting Limited

Ann Hoskins
Director, Children, Young People and Maternity, NHS North West

Muriel James
Chair, King Edward Road Surgery Patient Participation Group

Matt Kearney
General Practitioner, Castlefields, Runcorn and Primary Care and Public Health Adviser, Department of Health

CHAIR Catherine Law
Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology, University College London Institute of Child Health

David McDaid
Research Fellow, Department of Health and Social Care, London School of Economics and Political Science

Bren McInerney
Community Member

John Macleod
Chair in Clinical Epidemiology and Primary Care, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol; Honorary Clinical Consultant in Primary Care, NHS Bristol; GP, Hartcliffe Health Centre, Bristol

Susan Michie
Professor of Health Psychology, British Psychological Society Centre for Outcomes Research and Effectiveness, University College London

Stephen Morris
Professor of Health Economics, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London

Toby Prevost
Professor of Medical Statistics, Department of Public Health Sciences, King's College London

Jane Putsey
Lay Member. Registered with the Breastfeeding Network

Mike Rayner
Director, British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford

Dale Robinson
Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner; Director, Dr Resolutions Limited

Joyce Rothschild
Education Consultant

Kamran Siddiqi
Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Public Health, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences and NHS Leeds

David Sloan
Retired Director of Public Health

Stephanie Taylor
Professor of Public Health and Primary Care, Centre for Health Sciences, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Stephen Walters
Professor in Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials, University of Sheffield

Co-optees to PHIAC:

Ms Briony Hallam
London Regional Manager, Family Action

Mrs Liz James
Children's Services Manager, Barnardo's

Lynne Reay
Supervisor, Family Nurse Partnership Programme, Guys and St Thomas' Trust Community Health Services

Expert testimony to PHIAC:

Kate Billingham
Project Director, Family Nurse Partnership Programme, Department of Health

Helen Duncan
Director, Child and Maternal Health Observatory (ChiMat)

Jane Verity
Head of Maternity, First Years and Families, Department of Health

NICE project team

Mike Kelly
CPHE Director

Antony Morgan
Associate Director

Amanda Killoran
Joint Lead Analyst

Peter Shearn
Joint Lead Analyst

Patti White

Ruaraidh Hill

Lesley Owen
Technical Adviser, Health Economics

Patricia Mountain
Project Manager

Rukshana Begum

Sue Jelley
Senior Editor

Alison Lake

External contractors

Evidence reviews

Review 1 was carried out by the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield. The principal authors were: Susan Baxter, Lindsay Blank, Josie Messina, Hannah Fairbrother, Liddy Goyder and Jim Chilcott.

Review 2 was carried out by ScHARR, University of Sheffield. The principal authors were: Lindsay Blank, Susan Baxter, Josie Messina, Hannah Fairbrother, Liddy Goyder and Jim Chilcott.

Review 3 was carried out by ScHARR, University of Sheffield. The principal authors were: Lindsay Blank, Susan Baxter, Josie Messina, Hannah Fairbrother, Liddy Goyder and Jim Chilcott.

Cost effectiveness

The economic modelling was carried out by ScHARR, University of Sheffield. It was split into two parts – part one is the econometric analysis and part two is the economic model. The principal authors for part one were: Mónica Hernández Alava, Gurleen Popli, Silvia Hummel and Jim Chilcott. The principal authors for part two (which included the review of economic evaluations) were: Silvia Hummel, Jim Chilcott, Andrew Rawdin and Mark Strong.

Commissioned expert reports

Expert report 1 was carried out by Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick and The Institute for the Study of Children, Families and Social Issues, Birkbeck, University of London. The authors were: Anita Schrader-McMillan, Jacqueline Barnes and Jane Barlow.

Expert report 2 was carried out by The Social Research Unit, Dartington. The principal authors were Nick Axford and Michael Little.

Expert report 3 was carried out by the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) London School of Economics and Political Science. The principal author was Madeleine Stevens.


The fieldwork was carried out by Cordis Bright.