Appendix E Supporting documents

Appendix E Supporting documents

Supporting documents include.

  • Evidence reviews:

    • Review 1: 'A systematic review of qualitative research on the views, perspectives and experiences of hepatitis B and C testing among practitioners and people at greatest risk of infection'

    • Review 2: 'A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventions aimed at raising awareness and engaging with groups who are at increased risk of hepatitis B and C infection'

    • Mapping review: 'A practice survey of activities and interventions that aim to raise awareness among, and/or engage with, groups who are at an increased risk of hepatitis B and C infection'.

  • Economic modelling:

    • 'An economic evaluation of finding cases of hepatitis B and C infection in UK migrant populations'

    • 'Assessing the cost-effectiveness of interventions aimed at promoting and offering hepatitis C testing to injecting drug users: An economic modelling report'.

  • Expert testimony:

    • Presentation 1: 'UK National Screening Committee and case finding versus screening'

    • Presentation 2: 'Hepatitis B vaccination in England and Wales'

    • Presentation 3: 'Hepatitis testing in prisons'

    • Presentation 4: 'Paediatric hepatitis testing and treatment'

    • Presentation 5: 'The role of GPs in promoting hepatitis B and C testing among at risk populations'

    • Presentation 6: 'Perspective on barriers to hepatitis testing and treatment for people who inject drugs'.