Appendix A Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), the NICE project team and external contractors

Appendix A Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), the NICE project team and external contractors

Programme Development Group

PDG membership is multidisciplinary. The Group comprises academics, clinicians, local authority officers, public health practitioners, social care professionals, teachers, technical experts and representatives of the public, as follows.

Vijay Anand GP, Worcester

Neil Connelly Community Member

Daniela De Angelis Programme Leader, Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit, Institute of Public Health, Cambridge

Kate Drysdale Clinical Nurse Specialist, Dudley Group Community Services

Erika Duffell Expert in Surveillance for HIV, STI and Hepatitis, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm

Opal Greyson Viral Hepatitis Specialist Nurse, NHS Bedford and Luton

Richard Grieve Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Matt Hickman (Chair) Professor in Public Health and Epidemiology, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol and Honorary Public Health Consultant, NHS Bristol

Will Irving Professor and Honorary Consultant in Virology, University of Nottingham and Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Jeremy Jones Principal Research Fellow, Southampton Health Technologies Assessments Centre (SHTAC), University of Southampton

Emily Kam-Yin Lam Community Member

Deirdre Kelly Professor of Paediatric Hepatology, Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Salim Khakoo Professor of Hepatology, University of Southampton

Danny Morris Independent Consultant, UK Harm Reduction Alliance

Cristina Osorio Community Member

Kylie Reed Psychiatrist and Clinical Research Worker, National Addiction Centre

April Wareham Community Member

James Windsor Community Member

Nat Wright Clinical Director Vulnerable Groups, NHS Leeds

NICE project team

Mike Kelly CPHE Director

Antony Morgan Associate Director

Kay Nolan Co-lead Analyst

Clare Wohlgemuth Co-lead Analyst

Hilary Chatterton Analyst

James Jagroo Analyst

Alastair Fischer Technical Adviser, Health Economics

Victoria Axe Project Manager

Melinda Kay Coordinator

Sue Jelley Senior Editor

Anna Poppa Senior Editor

James Hall Editor

Alison Lake Editor

External contractors

Evidence reviews

Review 1 was carried out by Liverpool John Moores University. The principal authors were: Lisa Jones, Amanda Atkinson, Lorna Porcellato, Geoff Bates, Ellie McCoy, Caryl Beynon, Jim McVeigh and Mark Bellis.

Review 2 was carried out by Liverpool John Moores University. The principal authors were: Lisa Jones, Geoff Bates, Ellie McCoy, Caryl Beynon, Jim McVeigh and Mark Bellis.

The mapping review was carried out by Liverpool John Moores University. The principal authors were: Lisa Jones, Geoff Bates, Ellie McCoy, Amy Luxton, Caryl Beynon, Jim McVeigh and Mark Bellis.

Cost effectiveness

The review of economic evaluations was carried out as part of review 2.

Economic modelling was carried out by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It comprised two reports. The principal authors were: Natasha Martin, Alec Miners, Peter Vickerman and Anjan Ghosh.

See appendix E for the titles of the above reports.

Key information for modelling was obtained from Hepatitis C Action Plan for Scotland (especially from Sharon Hutchinson, Avril Taylor and their colleagues).

Expert testimony

Presentation 1 by Annie Mackie, UK National Screening Committee.

Presentation 2 by Mary Ramsay, Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections.

Presentation 3 by Dr Eamonn O'Moore, Health Protection Agency.

Presentation 4 by Jaswant Sira, Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Presentation 5 by Jez Thompson, Royal College of General Practitioners.

Presentation 6 by Magdalena Harris, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Further expert testimony was given verbally by:

Vivian Hope, Health Protection Agency

Professor Martin Lombard, Department of Health

Catherine Stephens, International Union of Sex Workers

Professor Howard Thomas, Imperial College London

Jenny Wong (on behalf of Chinese interpreters), Manchester Chinese Centre.